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Exploring the Hidden Gems of Croatia: A Traveler's Guide


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By PAGE Editor

Although Croatia might be firmly on the map in terms of "must-visit" holiday destinations, it still remains one of the most chronically under-visited places when compared with other destinations throughout Europe. In fact, if you look at the figures, the usual suspects like France, Spain, Germany, Greece, and the UK are all in the top 10, with Croatia nowhere to be seen.

This is a great shame because the nation boasts an utterly fascinating history and culture and the sort of landscape that can take your breath away. In this post, we are focusing on the hidden gems that this Balkan nation hosts to, hopefully, convince you to take a leap of faith and make memories in a country that you might never have ever considered.

Discover Krk Island's Secluded Beaches

As you might expect from a country that has an enormous coastline along one of the most beautiful areas in the world (the Adriatic Sea), Croatia is home to plenty of stunning islands to explore and discover how various cultures have developed in unique ways as peripheral parts of an overall nation. While the culture is fascinating in its own right, one island in particular, Krk, also happens to have some secluded beaches on which you can relax and unwind away from the usual hustle and bustle of mainland beaches.

The best way to see this island and others in the region might be chartering your own boat, and if you think that might be out of reach of your intended budget, according to the yacht charter company over at, you have lots of options to choose from based on the style in which you want to sail. However, regardless of how you reach the island, it is well worth a trip, if only for a day, to see what the term "secluded beauty" truly means.

Visit The Retirement Palace Of One Of Rome's Most Famous Emperor

If you happen to be a bit of a history buff, Croatia has got you covered. Its known history dates back all the way to when the country was split into the provinces of Pannonia and Dalmatia by the invading Roman legions. It also happened to be considered one of the most beautiful Roman provinces, which is saying something from an empire that came from Italy and occupied most of the more amazing locations around the Mediterranean.

One emperor even considered it to be so spectacular they chose it as the place they retired to after abdicating the office. Emperor Diocletian built his retirement palace in Split, and as a testament to the building prowess of the Romans, it still remains in incredible condition to this day. This gives those interested in ancient history somewhere to walk around and admire. The best part of adding Split to your itinerary is that it also boasts a number of other equally fascinating historical areas where you can almost see the transition throughout history from ancient to medieval to the modern day.

Enjoy Stunning Views From Dubrovnik

Now we move from ancient Rome to somewhere with a decidedly more medieval vibe. Although Dubrovnik is one of the more visited places in Croatia, it remains one that really ought to be experienced to be believed. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979, the city has managed to keep the feel of the old town alive for anyone who wants to explore the winding streets of a bustling port town. In fact, it was founded in the 7th century by the predecessors of the original Roman empire (the Byzantines) and developed into one of Europe's most important port towns. Here, you will find an exciting mixture of history and culture, along with the sort of excitement that comes from visiting a busy port town. Sampling the food here will also open you up to just how diverse the cuisine actually is since Corcaia has a mix of Mediterranean along the coast and Eastern European Slavik cuisine the more inland you go. 

Sample Local Cuisine In Porec

Speaking of food, if you happen to be an ardent foodie, you really cannot miss visiting Porec. Although the cuisine here is more closely matched to the Med rather than Slavik, this town has prided itself on offering a vast array of delicious foods based around a selection of high-class restaurants, bistros, and taverns that blend Croatia's disparate food options into something unique to the region. It also happens to be at the very northern point of Croatia's landmass and only a stone's throw away from Venice, Italy.

There is really too much about Croatia to discuss in only one small article, but these locations should set you off in the right direction. From visiting hidden beaches on your own yacht to perusing the retirement home of a Roman emperor, Croatia doesn't disappoint.

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