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How Byte Invisible Braces Can Transform Your Smile in Just a Few Months


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By PAGE Editor

Orthodontic braces are not a modern invention; in fact, some of the very first braces have been found on mummies from ancient Egypt! Early braces were made from a variety of metals including gold until the 1970s when stainless steel braces entered the market. Stainless steel braces remained the only option for the next couple of decades despite their disadvantages – metal braces have sharp edges that irritate the inside of the cheeks and food tends to collect in the grooves which increases the risk of plaque formation and cavities.

]Metal braces are also very visible which can affect a person’s self-esteem and confidence. Invisible braces or aligners offer all the benefits of metal braces without any of the disadvantages. As the name suggests, these braces are pretty much invisible because they are clear and custom-made so that they fit perfectly on top of your teeth. 

Why Byte Invisible Braces are the Best Value Choice 

There are several manufacturers of invisible braces but Byte is considered among the best for several reasons. Cost is an important aspect – braces can cost as much as $8,000 but Byte braces typically cost about $2,000. Furthermore, most treatments with clear braces take a minimum of six months but Byte treatment time can be as little as three months. Another advantage is that Byte offers two aligner systems so that you can choose between braces that you wear for 22 hours a day or just 10 hours at night. A product review of invisible braces compares Byte invisible braces to other brands taking into account various factors including user experience, customer support, and additional features and perks. 

How Byte Invisible Braces Work 

Byte invisible braces don’t require any in-person visits to the dentist as it is a completely mail-order experience. The process is very simple: 

  1. Byte sends you a kit to make your teeth impressions complete with step-by-step instructions. 

  2. You mail your impressions to Byte. 

  3. Byte’s team of orthodontists and dentists create a 3D visualization of your current smile along with a treatment plan and what your smile will look like after treatment.

  4. Byte sends you a series of invisible braces that will gradually move your teeth from their current positions to the desired positions. 

  5. You will have to use each set of invisible braces for 10 hours or 22 hours (as per your plan) for a week or two and then move to the next set. The aligners apply gentle pressure to all your teeth so that they gradually move into place to give you your ideal smile. 

Your Byte invisible braces will arrive along with a device called the HyperByte that you should use for 5 minutes a day while your braces are in place. It is included for free with both the 10-hour and 22-hour treatment plans. HyperByte is a high-frequency vibration tool that emits micro pulses through the roots of your teeth. It is not painful and feels like a gum massager but what it does is aid tooth movement which shortens your treatment time. Byte has licensed dentists and orthodontists in all 50 states and every aligner treatment plan is approved by either a dentist or orthodontist who is licensed in your state.

Byte also has an app called My Byte for iOS in the Apple App Store and for Android on Google Play. The app tracts your custom treatment plan so that you can check your progress and connect with a clinical team. The app will also send you notifications when you need to switch to the next set of braces and you can even set up HyperByte reminders so that you don’t forget to use it. 

Byte invisible braces are only suitable for mild to moderate corrections such as correcting spacing, rotation, and crowding between teeth. If the Byte dentist who reviews the impressions of your teeth determines that you are not a good candidate and that you require more complex correction, Byte will fully refund the cost of your impression kit. This is likely to be the case if you have a severe overbite, underbite or an open bite which would require traditional braces. If a Byte dentist says that you are not a good candidate for their braces, it would be best to discuss your options with your dentist. 

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