Welcome to THE page

Here, you can get into more detail about our staff, editors and contributors who help in defining style on the PAGE.

We want you to know we are just as passionate about fashion as you are. There are many layers to fashion and we intend to peel back as many as necessary to uncover the details you have been you searching for.



Editor-in-Chief | Creative Director

“Fashion and sustainability drew me to photography and design.”

Born and raised in Brooklyn, graduating Cum Laude from CUNY, I founded Cassell Inc. while still a student. This has been the harbor for all of my creative endeavors; photography, writing [Forbes.com & Kulture Hub], designing, as well as filmmaking, where I produced a unique series of silent art films. Capturing images of public figures at their most unassuming and unguarded, producing a colorful range of work, I have worked with the likes of many, including, music producer Pharrell Williams, musician Ed Sheeran, radio personalities Peter Rosenberg and DJ Cipha Sounds, artist, like, Ron Bass and Mokshini, eyewear designers Coco and Breezy, fine artist Roy Nachum, popular brand names, like, Samsung, Google and LG, and former Attorney General of the United States for President Barack Obama, Eric Holder.

I am also the Founder and Editor In Chief of Reverie: PAGE magazine which focuses on sustainable fashion and inclusive ideas. Previously working in media and fashion apparel companies, I have noticed the lack of representation, not just of groups, but of the ideas that shape us in our everyday decisions.

You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter @Cassellinc.



Jessy Humann

Sr. Contributor - Sustainability

Jessy Humann lives and writes out of Spokane, WA. When she's not writing about sustainable fashion and why it's important, she loves to write poetry. Her first children's book comes out late 2021 www.heartpocketpoems.com.    



Omni-Present | Editor

Page Editor is our blank slate for any writer with an opinion but doesn’t need the attention.

Currently accepting submissions for FASHION categories.


Sustainability is a complex concept, and there isn’t one universally agreed-upon definition.

To us, sustainability is fundamentally about maintaining life on earth and the ecosystems required to support it. In simplest terms, sustainability is about our children and our grandchildren, and the world we will leave them.
— fashionrevolution.org (via futurelearn.com)