10 Innovative Uses for VTubers in Business




By PAGE Editor

VTubers, or virtual YouTubers, are digital avatars used to create content, primarily on video-sharing platforms like YouTube and Twitch. 

While their rise in the entertainment and gaming industries is well-known, VTubers are increasingly being explored for business purposes and many can even find US based grants to fund this tech. Here's a look at ten ways VTubers can be used effectively in the business world:

1. Virtual Brand Ambassadors

VTubers make excellent brand ambassadors for companies targeting tech-savvy and younger audiences. Their unique, engaging presence allows brands to build strong emotional connections with viewers. Companies can create custom VTuber avatars that represent their brand, engaging audiences in a way that feels fresh and modern. For instance, a company selling beauty products might design a VTuber who shares makeup tutorials and tips, driving interest and sales.

If you’re interested in learning more, here is a good guide that explains VTubers - https://aiinfluencercompany.com/what-is-a-vtuber/ 

2. Customer Service & Support

Businesses can utilize VTubers for customer service and support, especially in industries where quick, simple answers suffice. VTubers can be programmed to offer interactive and personalized assistance, answering questions or providing tutorials. Their use can make mundane customer service experiences more engaging and memorable. VTubers can also add personality to the automated experience without replacing human representatives entirely.

3. Marketing & Advertising

VTubers have already demonstrated massive success in marketing, with brands collaborating with popular VTubers to advertise their products. Businesses can develop their own VTuber mascots that connect with audiences through advertisements, social media campaigns, or even appearing in television commercials. The animation of VTubers allows for more creativity and flexibility in advertising, often appealing to niche and engaged markets.

4. Corporate Communications

Internal communications within companies can benefit from VTubers, especially for large corporations with remote workers. VTubers can present company updates, training materials, or internal newsletters in a fun and engaging way. Their presence can make traditionally dry content more engaging and accessible for employees, which may help improve knowledge retention and communication effectiveness.

5. Virtual Event Hosts

VTubers are ideal for hosting virtual events, such as webinars, online conferences, or live streams. They can serve as emcees, guest speakers, or interviewers, adding an element of entertainment and creativity. VTubers eliminate the need for physical presence, reducing travel costs and logistics, and they can interact with live audiences in real-time, keeping the event lively and interactive.

6. Training & E-Learning

Incorporating VTubers into corporate training and e-learning platforms can make learning more engaging and enjoyable. VTubers can guide employees through modules, explain complex concepts, and provide feedback, all while maintaining an engaging and friendly demeanor. This approach can be particularly effective for training younger or more digitally inclined employees who prefer interactive and visual learning experiences.

7. Social Media Engagement

VTubers are perfect for driving social media engagement. Companies can create custom VTubers who participate in trends, challenges, and viral content, giving them a distinct personality. These virtual characters can host Q&A sessions, engage with followers, or even “live” stream their day-to-day activities as a brand representative, making the company more relatable and increasing its visibility across platforms.

8. Entertainment & Content Creation

VTubers are fundamentally content creators, so businesses can use them to produce unique content that attracts audiences. From game streams to product reviews and tutorials, VTubers can generate a wide range of content for businesses looking to enhance their online presence. The flexibility of VTubers allows them to be adapted to various content forms, helping businesses reach different audiences effectively.

9. Retail & E-commerce Engagement

Retail and e-commerce companies can use VTubers to create virtual shopping experiences. For instance, a VTuber can act as a store guide, offering product recommendations, demonstrating features, or providing a virtual “try-on” experience for fashion brands. This can elevate the online shopping experience, making it more interactive and enjoyable for customers, while simultaneously driving sales.

10. Cross-Cultural Marketing

VTubers can help companies bridge cultural gaps in marketing. Because VTubers can be customized with any appearance or personality, businesses can create culturally specific avatars for different regions. For example, a VTuber designed for the Japanese market might have distinct cultural traits and preferences compared to one created for North American audiences. This flexibility allows for more precise and effective marketing strategies.


The rise of VTubers offers businesses new avenues for marketing, communication, and customer engagement. By leveraging their customizable nature and creative possibilities, VTubers can help companies modernize their approach to branding, improve customer experiences, and enhance internal operations. As the technology behind virtual influencers continues to advance, the potential uses of VTubers in business will only continue to grow, making them a valuable asset across various industries.



