5 Tips To Keep Your Vinyl In Great Condition
By PAGE Editor
The goal of any vinyl lover is to keep them in the best condition possible. You want them to have a long life span and able to play music well and without any skips.
Some of the key points to keeping your vinyl in good condition is to store them properly, clean them, and keep dust away from them.
In this article, we go into depth about some of the tips you can follow to stop your vinyls from getting damaged and keep them in mint condition.
You can find out more information about vinyl care and storage on the Notes On Vinyl Website.
Use Sleeves
Sleeves are the best option to protect your vinyl from the elements. You are able to get inner sleeves that just protect the vinyl, and then outer sleeves to protect the whole record package.
For the outer sleeves, you can go for vinyl bags that are easy to put on and remove, or you can get heavy plastic ones. The heavy plastic outer sleeves are the best at keeping your vinyls in peak condition. However, some people don’t like the look of outer sleeves when their vinyls are on display so will stick to just the inner ones.
The best possible protection for your vinyls will come from using both inner and outer sleeves. Outer sleeves are a definite must if you are putting your records in long term storage.
Sleeves can protect your vinyls from damp, dust, and water. This is great if they are being moved around a lot or are in unpredictable environments.
Store Upright
Records should always be stored upright and not stacked on top of each other. If they are stacked it can cause warping and possibly cracking if there is too much weight on the records.
If they are stored upright, it decreases the chances of them warping and gives them room to breathe.
It is also easier to pick the record you want if they aren’t stacked on top of each other. Remember when moving your vinyl to only touch the edges of it as the oils on your fingers can damage the top of the vinyl.
When stacking them upright, make sure they don’t lean on each other as that can also cause warping. Dividers can be used to keep smaller sections upright.
Remember to only store your albums in cardboard album jackets. This is because it can stop them from being scratched and it is also easier to identify the record when they are in their album jackets.
Keep Out Of Direct Sunlight
Heat is one of the main causes for records to warp, this is why they should be kept out of direct sunlight. This doesn’t mean they should only be kept in a dark room, as long as sunlight isn’t shining directly on them constantly you should be okay.
This heat principle also applies to radiators and heaters, so vinyls should be stored away from them. The overall room temperature should be warm and avoid being too hot. Slightly colder is fine as long as the room isn’t an icebox.
Clean them Before Putting Them Away
After every use, your record should be cleaned before being stored away. You should do this with a record brush, these are long brushes that you hold in place while the record spins under it. You don’t want to store your record with any dust on it.
You shouldn’t use your t-shirt to clean records, this is because it will have dust and lint on it that can damage your vinyl. You want to use the right tools in order to keep your vinyls clean.
For the records that require more cleaning, you can use a vinyl cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth. Make sure they are completely dry before going into storage.
Use Appropriate Storage
You want to store your vinyls in strong boxes or crates so that way they can’t be crushed. Don’t pack them tightly as they will need room to breathe.
If storing for a long time, avoid keeping them in a humid place like the garage.
A popular shelving solution for vinyl fans is to use the KALLAX units sold at IKEA. They are the perfect size for records and can store around 50 in a cube.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, these tips can help you keep your vinyls in the best possible condition so that they can have a long life and be passed down through the generations.
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