7 Essential Steps to Take Immediately After a Car Accident




By PAGE Editor

A car accident can be a very traumatizing and stressful event, and you can never be prepared for it. It happens suddenly, and a second of distraction is enough to turn your life upside down. However, knowing what to do if something similar happens can save you a lot of headaches later on, and you will be sure you are on the right path to recovery and getting over this trauma. Let’s check out some of the essential steps you need to take immediately following a car accident. 

Make sure everyone is safe

Safety measures are among the main things you need to check once you’ve been involved in a car crash. This will help you make sure everyone is okay, and anyone who needs medical attention will get it as soon as possible. Be careful even if you think no one is injured, as some injuries may not be visible at first, and you can hurt them even more if you move them improperly. First of all, get your car off the road so that the traffic can move freely and other drivers won’t get into any kind of danger.

Turn on your hazard lights and put warning triangles to make sure everyone will be more careful while passing by you and even offer you some help if needed. And most importantly, call the emergency services, as they are the best people to respond to any kind of injury and help you in this stressful situation. You must check yourself even if you believe you are completely fine at first, as some injuries can become worse over time and cause you a lot of problems when you least expect it. Also, this medical record will be of great help if you decide to file a claim and fight for your compensation. 

Consult a lawyer

Car crashes are situations when you need professional help in many aspects, and legal claims and processes are one of them. Legal counsel can help you protect your rights, make the right choices and steps during the process, and get enough compensation to cover your losses. Of course, you must look for a renowned and experienced accident lawyer to help you with everything involving negligence, injuries, and damages. They will collect the necessary evidence, contact witnesses, and calculate your damages, including economic and non-economic ones so that you will be on the safe side. Lawyers will also help you deal with insurance companies the right way, as doing that on your own can put you at risk of receiving less money than you deserve. They will use their negotiation skills the best to fight for your rights and represent you in court if needed, resulting in the best possible scenario after such a stressful event.

Notify the police

Contacting the police is also quite important, as they are the ones who will investigate the car crash scene and collect the necessary evidence to support your claim and prove whose fault it was. Their accident report is a valuable piece of evidence that will help you build a strong case, as all the details of the accident will be written there, and you will be able to negotiate with the court and insurance companies more easily with such a record.

Of course, you must make sure you tell the exact story when they arrive, as you don’t want to provide false facts that will put you at risk of huge fines. Also, don’t admit fault by saying you’re sorry, you didn’t see the other driver, or anything similar. This will not be good for your case, as it will be seen as your admission of guilt, and all of your efforts will be in vain when dealing with legal claims. 

Document as much as you can

One of the things that you should do when you are involved in an accident is that you document the scene as much as you can. What you need to do is take your phone out and start recording without getting into any danger. Of course, you should first take care that everyone is safe and that you do not record something that you should not before your start. If you are not capable of doing it yourself because of an injury, then you should ask someone to do that for you. All that you do will become very useful if the case goes to court or if you need to provide evidence for some reason. 

Do not admit fault

When the police come your way, you should not admit to anything until you consult with your lawyer. Even if you think that it is your fault, you should still remain quiet because you are digging a hole for yourself. You should not even talk about what you have done to other people because they can testify against you once everything is done. If you still think that it is all your fault afterward, you can always admit it and pay for the damages.

Notify your insurance company

You must notify your insurance company when an accident happens, as they will document all the details of the case and, based on that, calculate the amount of money you are owed to receive to cover your losses and pain. If you fail to do that, you risk your claim being revoked or postponed, and all the stress and trauma of the crash will become even worse for you and your loved ones. Your insurance company will also request the police report to check all the details, and you should also work closely with your attorney when dealing with them, as your lawyer will protect you from any low-ball offers.

When you’re going through the hardship of dealing with a car accident, everything can seem too traumatizing and stressful to deal with, but remember that help is always near when you know where to look for it. Follow the steps we have mentioned here, take care of your health, consult professionals to guide you all the way, and you will get over this daunting experience faster than you think. 



