Finding the Perfect Wine for Your Home Dinner Party
By PAGE Editor
Hosting a dinner party for friends and family is a great opportunity not just to let everyone know how much you appreciate them and the chance to bring everyone together but also to showcase your taste in food and, of course, wine! Nevertheless, if you're not fully versed in the ins and outs of quality vino selection, it can be tricky to know which wines work best. Luckily, it actually isn't as challenging as one might think to find the perfect win for your event and buy following a few of the tips we'll mention throughout this post; you will a shoo-in to become the host with the most.
Make Sure That You Understand The Type Of Event You're Hosting
It's tempting to read this initial heading and immediately be turned off from believing that we're trying to insult your intelligence. However, when you really think about it, are you 100% sure that you know how you're going to go about the process? For example, if you happen to be hosting a sabbath dinner, it's probably a good idea to select a wine suitable for the event. In practice, this will mean choosing a Kosher Wine Delivery in New York City or whatever city you're located in to ensure that you will receive the correct kosher wine that you can use for the Kiddush. Conversely, if you create a meal in celebration of a specific event, you'll do well to invest in some champagne or sparkling wine to allow the event to go off with a bang. Essentially, take stock of why you're hosting a party, and then select your wine accordingly.
Pair Wine With Your Dinner Menu
After that apparent first tip, we now move into an equally obvious yet far trickier action to take. If you're already au fait with pairing wine and food, you can skip this part (and the rest of the post to be hornet). Pairing wine with food can seem like a scary task at first, but there are a few rules of thumb that you can utilize to at least give your guests some semblance that you know what you're doing:
Red Wines: Pair with red meats, rich seafood, and hearty dishes.
White Wines: Pair with lighter fare like poultry, fish, and salads.
Rose Wines: Pair with a wide range of foods, from grilled meats to salads and cheese.
Sparkling Wines: Pair with appetizers, seafood, and light dishes.
If you want to go a little further and really use the wine to bring out the most in your dishes, the following will be helpful:
You should try to match the intensity of the wine with the food. For example, if you are eating a light salad, then a deep-flavored red wine will overpower it and probably ruin the experience, while a light white will match better.
Acidity in wine cuts through richness and fat in food, which is why acidic wines like Sauvignon Blanc pair well with fatty fish or creamy sauces.
Sweet wines pair well with sweet foods or spicy dishes, as the sweetness helps balance the heat or spice.
Consider Using Varieties Grown In Your Region Or Country Over Fancy Foreign Options
Let's be clear here; we're certainly not bashing the well-established brands and wine-growing regions… they're popular for a reason. However, if you want to mix things up a little, why not think outside of the box and look for wines grown in your local region? These wines tend to pair best with the types of food that are popular there because the terroir will match the growing conditions of the foods also grown in a similar climate and area.
Budget-Friendly Wines Can Impress When Paired Correctly
Great wine needn't cost a fortune, and unless you or your guests happen to be highly trained sommeliers or wine aficionados, you really won't be able to tell the difference between a $70 bottle of wine and one costing considerably less. This doesn't mean you can buy the cheapest bottle of plonk and call it a day, but it does mean that you can instead put your money into buying a few different varieties to taste and enjoy with good company rather than blasting your budget on only one option.
Ask For Recommendations From Those You Know (Or The Internet!)
If you have friends or family who enjoy wines and are already familiar with this world, you can always ask them for recommendations. As long as you inform them of what measles you plan on serving, you ought to get some great feedback. Failing this, you can fall back to the tried and trusted method of research, which is heading to the internet and asking away. For the best results, seek out wine forums to get honest suggestions from those who live, breathe, and drink copious amounts of the good stuff.
Hosting a party can be scary enough, but when you add wine pairing to the mix, it can be terrifying. As long as you follow at least a few of these tips, your party should go without a hitch and render you a veritable expert in the oenological arts.
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