Get Rid of your Glass Pipe Dirt with these Apt Cleaning Tips




By PAGE Editor

Buying a glass pipe or any other smoking device can be a significant decision. It's a must-have for cannabis enthusiasts. And, it is something that you may want to hold on to for years to come, which is why it is vital to clean and maintain your pipe for maximizing usage.

When you take apt time for cleaning a bong or a pipe, many people are known to experience an improved taste in their smoking experience. And, that's, of course, positive. Sometimes people take a maintenance shortcut and scrape the excess residue, but you should not do it in this manner.

So, do you want to make the most of your pipe? Do you wish to keep it hanging around for a more extended period? If yes, it is worth considering some tips for cleaning your pipe and keeping it in excellent condition.

● Make Use of a Premixed Solution:

One of the best ways of cleaning your pipe is using a premade solution. You can either purchase this online or at a retailer. A bong or pipe cleaning solution has some components for getting a sparkling result. 

● Make Use of Salt and Rubbing Alcohol:

A favourite solution among people is a combination of salt and rubbing alcohol. Cannabis enthusiasts prefer this solution the most. Using this solution to KING's Pipe and soaking it, you'll see that the dirt begins to come out slowly. Or, you can also combine alcohol and salt in a plastic bag of some kind and submerge the same in the bag. 

How long you're going to soak the pipe using this method depends on the amount of dirt it has. Or, you can also consult about cleaning while purchasing the same from the pipe shop. 

In some cases, alcohol penetrates the resin in a few minutes. However, it may take a few hours if your pipe is filthy. 

● Scrub It:

If your glass pipe is foul, or you're looking for the best result possible, you can also use a small brush. By doing so, you'll be able to reach the insides of the pipe and make sure that everything cleans in the best possible manner. 


You can also soak the pipe in the rubbing alcohol and salt solution to ensure that the resin is loose before scrubbing. Another option rests with using a cotton swab. Cannabis enthusiasts use this for a gentle cleaning process, which is also a standard household product. 

● Lemon Juice for Water Marks:

Finally, you have the ease of taking off all the stains and watermarks, which resin doesn't cause. All you've to do is soak the glass pipe into a combination of warm water and lemon juice for about 15 minutes. 

The Bottom Line- A Step Towards Simplified Cleaning Routine

After selecting an ideal glass pipe, the process of keeping it clean and pristine should never be a hassle. By doing so, you'll be able to enjoy your experience with a more sanitary pipe. 

As a concluding tip, if you look forward to avoiding clean resin spots, ensure cleaning your pipe regularly or after every use. 



