How To Pick Journaling As A Daily Habit




By PAGE Editor

Self-care is more than about measures like healthy eating, exercising, and getting good sleep. Deep down, you know that you need much more to heal your mind. Writing a journal is a step that can take you a long way with mental and emotional self-care. Putting down your thoughts on paper is like having a conversation with yourself.

The practice enables you to visualize your goals, set priorities, understand your strengths, and pinpoint your fears and weaknesses. Knowing yourself better helps you devise a strategy to become a happier person. But adopting journaling as a daily habit is a challenge because most people start but never continue. Here are some tips that can motivate you to do it every day.

Be committed

Before starting with daily journaling, you must be committed for the long run. Everything boils down to having a purpose as it keeps you going. You may want to pick the habit as a self-care initiative or do it for knowing yourself better. Starting with a valid reason motivates you to stick with writing it daily. Moreover, you are more likely to stick with it for the long haul.

Create a routine

It is a good idea to create a routine for journal writing. Picking a specific time of the day can keep you regular with the daily task. You will probably develop a habit sooner than you know. You may choose to do it first thing in the morning or write at bedtime. These are the best times, though you can opt for a slot that works for you. The aim is to adhere to the ritual every day.

Choose your medium

You must also choose your writing medium to ensure accessibility and comfort level. While the digital medium is gaining pace, traditional paper-based writing is still the best. You can invest in a leather journal and pair it with a personalized classic pen as it looks stylish enough to carry at work or to a park or cafe. Having a proper physical journal makes it easy to preserve it for a lifetime, which is the very purpose of the activity.

Find a distraction-free environment

Journaling daily becomes easy when you enjoy doing it. Consider it a me-time activity, and you will love every moment you spend writing. Moreover, you will realize that journal writing is an art, and you must pick your words carefully. It is vital to find a distraction-free environment. Your bedroom or study is an ideal place to write. Also, choose the right time when no one is around to distract you. 

Be honest

Honesty is the key to sticking with a journaling habit. It is one place where you can be open without the fear of being judged. So be sure to pour your heart out and pen down the darkest of your thoughts without apprehensions. You will feel a lot lighter by purging negative emotions. The best part is that you can experience the therapeutic benefits of journaling down the line. 

Embracing a good habit requires conscious efforts, but the benefits make it worthwhile. Start writing today and commit to doing it every day! 



