How Influencers Sophie And Charlotte Bickley Are Shopping For 2021 Fashion Trends
Influencers, sister duo, and Editors at Large for Daily Front Row, Sophie, and Charlotte Bickley using the Nate app.
Written by Cassell Ferere originally published on
The Nate App is more than a one-stop-shop. Nate is the first universal accelerator for mobile checkout, providing fashion and other lifestyle goods for users from all over the internet. And with the Christmas holiday coming up, Nate app is the perfect little helper for gifting loved ones, as well as yourself.
Influencers, stylish sister duo, and Editors at Large for Daily Front Row, Sophie, and Charlotte Bickley attest to the Nate app’s ease for shopping. Purchases can be made safely through the app, according to Charlotte, “with a simple few clicks and a text message.”
The Nate app shopping and gifting platform.
“It allows us to express our individuality and curate to our taste, which we then have the opportunity to share with others via list sharing and gifting,” says Charlotte. The Nate app helps you create wish lists of your favorite fashions from your favorite brands and retailers.
Sophie loves that “lists can be created with items from all different websites, and aren’t limited to products being from one retailer alone.” A curated product is always better for those who know what they are looking for, and if you don’t have a clue where to start, the Nate app can help you organize your virtual wardrobe.
The Nate app shopping and gifting platform.
Much different from other shopping apps, or apps where you can make purchases, Nate expands on the idea of sharing as well as privacy. They have crafted a seamless path to purchase that is safer and more like a vision board guided shopping experience. For fashion, or for anything else you’ll want to spend money on over the internet, the Nate app has sharing qualities that the influencer generation can use to engage with their following aside from their close friends and family.
“Nate provides a completely different user experience than any of these other shopping apps, including Instagram,... [it] allows us to follow our friends’ lists to see what their current favorite products are, and allows us to create and share lists of our own,” Sophie describes.
The Nate app shopping and gifting platform.
Using your Safari browser on your iPhone allows access to easy and secure shopping with the Nate app. You can also make sure you‘re purchasing from specifically small business and conscious businesses if you want to get a head start on a new year resolution.
Sophie continues to say, “when shopping with Nate, you can find products on any retailer from your Safari browser, share the item to the Nate app directly from that retailer, and buy it quickly with one tap. Giving the user so many options regarding which retailers they want to shop and gift from, including smaller local businesses.”
Options in how you’d like to make a purchase are available. While shopping online is always risky, the Nate app helps keep your financial info off of retail sites by gathering your information upon sign-up with the app.
The same goes for sharing gifts with friends and family. Gifting is way more manageable with Nate as the app provides a platform to have recipients fill out their mailing information through a text message sent to contacts on your phone.
The Nate App is likely the easiest way to give gifts to friends and family. If you know what someone likes and want to surprise them, you can easily share your thoughtfulness from the app…
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