Considering that with your time and effort, you've proven to each other that you're meant to be together for the rest of your lives, now you're at a place to ask your partner to marry you.
Read MoreDiamonds have long held a special place in the human imagination, but in recent years, there’s been a quiet revolution in the way we think about these glittering treasures.
Read MoreSome people want their engagement ring to be as big as their love, and in this regard, it's worth picking Big diamond rings as the perfect choice.
Read MoreMany people would not think that there is one accessory that can take your outfit to a much higher level and create a legitimate fashion wonder.
Read MoreFrom ancient royalty to modern-day celebrities, diamonds have long been a symbol of wealth, power, and style for men.
Read MoreCEO Blakely Thornton has a civil approach to luxury and the jewelry game. Blakely found time out of his hectic day to sit down with us…
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